Sony Electronics announced that its VAIO® computers now come equipped with IBM’s World Community Grid software which aims at helping scientists around the globe with the computing power to help solve humankind’s biggest challenges. This means that all fall line-up of Sony VAIO® PCs (excluding laptops with Intel® Atom processors) will come equipped with World Community Grid software that users can opt to run.
The software will connect VAIO users with World Community Grid, a network of PCs which pools their surplus processing power to create a free, virtual supercomputer for researchers to tap. The program was design among other things, to detect idle time in a volunteer's computer activity and requests work data for a specific project from World Community Grid’s server. It then performs computations on this data, sends results back to the server, and requests more work. Each computation performed and every PC added provide scientists with critical information that accelerates the pace of research.
“We are excited to partner with World Community Grid to further the development of life-changing solutions,” said Jamey Gottlieb, vice president, Business Development at Sony Electronics. “VAIO PC owners can support research projects that tackle global causes while the World Community Grid program runs during idle mode, getting work done while you are not working.”
Computer users who are interested in joining the Sony VAIO team on the World Community Grid effort can also register and download the software program from
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