Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Computer Bugs

According to, a computer bug is an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program that prevents it from working as intended, or produces an incorrect result. Since computer programs are written by human beings just like you and I, the possibility of making mistakes along the way are inevitable. Such errors or oversights may arise from the program’s source code or design. A program that is carefully written contains fewer mistakes or errors (bugs).


In hardware, a bug refers to physical problem that prevents hardware from working properly. Computer hardware or set of components in it are intended to work together as a system. Any disruption in the functionality of hardware or set of components, will eventually lead to malfunction of the system.


Just like any error, Bugs can have several consequences in the operation of any machine such as computers. The most notable one is a disorder in the functionality of a program which may, to some extent cause a program to crash or freeze or interference with your machine’s security. Freezing refers to failure of your machine or computer to respond to commands until a system reboot is done to remedy it. Mostly, the presence of minor bugs in a program does not disrupt the functionality of a program. Severe bugs can cause a great inconvenience since they are able to disrupt, freeze or hang the running of a program. It is therefore, the task of the programmer to check for such errors before the program is released for the market.


This is a process whereby bugs are located and fixed.  Even after debugging there still remain some bugs. Such bugs are corrected during program updates or patches available after the program release. Debugging constitutes major part in programming because of the complexity of the some programs. It is a time consuming exercise to try and locate the bugs but it is very necessary to do so since it lessens the chances of launching a defective program on the market that in turn, generates a bad name for your company.  To help with this exercise, special programs called debuggers are written to help programmers in locating or identifying bugs. This way is not hundred percent perfect though. When program is run, any program inconsistencies detected will halt the program so that the errors or bugs are fixed.






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