Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Difference Between Proof and Interpretation

By Jane Sumerset

Can you distinguish between writing with mere proof and writing base on your interpretation?

Honestly, proof and interpretation do have a bigger difference when it comes into writing. As a writer, you need to be aware of these two types of writing styles that you will apply in your content.

Although both of these are very useful and unique in their own ways, being a writer, you have to be aware of their meaning and uses.

Whatever is your purpose in writing, you can either use one of them or both. Depending on how you are going to describe your content to the public.

When you write with plain proof, it always shows a distinctive truth in your statements and you always stick to the real information that you gather. This is not base on what you think but writing with proof always provides official evidence to support your writing.

Some evidence prove a point. Others merely support it. Drawing that distinction is very important, as plenty of students make the mistake of assigning one to the other, leaving their arguments cracking before it even gets a chance of convincing the reader.

Proof is undeniable. When you quote how many died during wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, then it’s easy proof that war destroys lives. However, it doesn’t prove that the results of wars are entirely negative. While it does suggest it, there are too many facets required to draw that conclusion.

Writing though your own interpretation is another thing. This goes out to what you believe, what you have in mind or your point of views about the topic that you are writing.

However, interpretations can be right or wrong since different people do have different understanding and it can either be supported with evidence or not.

Most of the time, writing an interpretation is a result of providing personal statements or views about a certain fact, issue or truth. It normally provides every reader with deeper meaning for them to decide on what to react.

Suggestion is a mere interpretation. A data on the number who died in the wars can be interpreted to mean that these actions only lead to negative results. However, it can also be interpreted to mean that the wars were waged incorrectly and that, under the right circumstances, those casualties could have been prevented.

When you’re writing an essay and attempting to argue for a point, most of what you will do is interpreting information. The strength of your arguments is not the numbers itself, but the reasoning behind your interpretations. If they’re logical and well laid out, then you could make a convincing case for your main thesis.

The strength of your reasoning is actually what’s being graded in your essays for school, not the facts you were able to collate. Of course, your actual writing ability will have a bearing on it (you can’t argue well if you can’t be understood), so always use a good proofreading software to help clean up your text.

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Source: http://www.isnare.com

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