Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Righteous And The Fall (The Concluding Part) (The Travelling Seminary Preacher Series)

Excuse me sirs and madams, it is not your place to disqualify yourselves from the ministry. It was not out of your merit that the call of God came upon you.

" And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron...." Heb 5:4. kjv

There is nothing pious about you leaving the pulpit and don't let the devil convince you that you are doing the right thing. Yes, submit yourself to discipline as it has been written or agreed upon by whatever ministry or church organization you find yourself (even if it is you that founded it). These are actions that have been designed to restore a 'fallen' brother or sister. You are not too big for it because you too are also part of the body.
The pride in this attitude shows itself in many facets. Don't become like those who think and even say that you are different i.e. with different rules to guide you. Yes we know that to whom much is given, much is expected, but it is the same Father that gave that one son who shed His blood for all. He didn't die for the laity and the clergy separately.
Please ignore the example being peddled about of those who on 'falling' turned away from the ministry willingly, it is God that calls not man or you i.e. you didn't call yourself. If He wants you to leave the ministry, He will inform you just as He called you (even definitely, without mincing words). Go to God before you are deceived into short changing yourself. Yield yourself to Him and to church discipline. You don't fight for the pulpit, but remember that He saved you first then called you afterwards gave you a pulpit. The pulpit came later and He is able to give you another pulpit or restore you even to the one you submitted to.
Everything should be balanced, don't fight for the pulpit or ministry i.e. even if you 'founded' it. It is not yours but God's. Rather subject yourself willing to whatever discipline that is meted but as long as your spiritual authority has not been withdrawn you are still God's minister even though a pulpit has been withdrawn presently.
The righteous will rise seven times. It is also saying your position is in God's hand and not in yours or men. It is saying your relevance is in the eyes of God and not yours or men.
It is also saying God is able to keep you from falling. That is, even if you fail as we all define falling, yet you are still standing as far as God is concerned. What did Christ tell peter?

" when thou art converted.." Lke. 22:32 kjv

And since all scripture is meant for us, He is also saying to you 'when you are restored'. It is not an 'if' but a 'when' so there is a definite promise of restoration. Don't allow the devil through self and the expectation of men i.e. both the world and the church to cheat you off your reward. There are those who have not just left the pulpit or ministry because of their 'failures' but eventually and sadly left the faith. And as you are being sent unto that field, learn from their grave errors and walk as one who can't fall because you are in the hands of the Everlasting Arms. Amen.

(Bukisa ID #137879)

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